Top Keyword Searches for 'Over 55s' Packages in Hotels

As a trusted digital marketing and revenue growth consultancy, Aró Digital Strategy shares tips to stay ahead in the highly competitive hospitality industry. One strategy that can be a game-changer in low season for hotels and resorts is catering to the needs of the Over 55s demographic. In this article, we'll explore how through effective SEO and content rich with high volume keywords and iterations thereof, hoteliers can drive direct bookings by providing exclusive Golden Years promotions to this time-rich and flexible cohort of guests.

Digital Marketing

In today's digital age, your ability to connect with your target audience can make all the difference. 

Here's how you can utilise digital marketing to spread the word about your exciting Golden Years and Over 55s promotions:

1. Keyword Optimization: Our team carefully selects and optimizes keywords such as "golden years breaks" and "active retirement hotel breaks" to ensure your promotions show up when potential guests search online.

2. Engaging Content: Create blogs, social media posts, and email campaigns that highlight the benefits of your Golden Years packages, showcasing the unique experiences you offer.

3. Online Advertising: Through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, we help you reach a wider audience and target specific demographics, like the over 55s, to maximize the visibility of your promotions.

Booking Direct

Booking directly through your hotel's website is often the best way to secure these special deals. It's a win-win for both your guests and your hotel:

1. Special Offers: We can work with you to provide exclusive discounts, added perks, and flexible terms for direct bookings, ensuring that your guests get the most out of their stay.

2. Personalized Service: Guests who book directly enjoy a more personalized experience, as you can tailor their stay to their individual preferences.

3. Cutting Out OTA Commissions: Booking directly means avoiding third-party booking sites' high commission levels, which can result in significant cost savings for both your guests and your hotel.

Website Development

Your website is your digital storefront, and it needs to shine. Aró Digital Strategy is committed to top-tier website development for several reasons:

1. User-Friendly Experience: A well-designed, mobile-responsive website ensures that users of all ages can easily access information about your Golden Years promotions.

2. Transparent Information: We work with you to showcase the details of your offers, including inclusions, pricing, and booking instructions, making it straightforward for potential guests.

3. Secure Booking Engine: A robust booking engine allows guests to make reservations hassle-free, providing peace of mind when securing their getaway.


At Aró Digital Strategy, we are committed to helping our hotel clients make their golden years promotions truly shine. 

Through strategic digital marketing, direct booking incentives, and top-notch website development, we ensure that you have all the information and support you need to plan your guests' dream getaways. 

Whether they're looking for a relaxing retreat in Kilkenny, a nature-inspired escape in Killarney, or an adventure across Ireland, the Golden Years promotions have you covered. Start planning your well-deserved vacation today!

Contact us to elevate you Digital Strategy today!